General Detail
- All of the housed weanlings being fed 2 kg of ration (52). These weanling’s tails and backs have been clipped this week to reduce sweating in the shed.
- All doors in the beef sheds are left open, day and night to prevent sweating among the livestock.
- The remaining 55 weanling are still at grass and they are also being fed 2 Kg of meals.
- The replacement heifer weanlings on the contract rearing farm were weighed on the 24th October. All of the 26 weanlings are on target for their weight.
- 16 of the replacement weanlings are on 1 Kg of ration.
- All weanlings were treated for worms on the 10th October.
- Depending on weather conditions, it is hoped that the weanlings will stay at grass until at least the 11th of November. Summary of weights as are follows:

- All beef animals are on 6 kg of meals.
- Newford Stakeholders meeting will take place next Thursday the 9th of November.
- Newford annual herd test will take place in November
Grassland Details

- Target pre grazing paddocks at 1450 Kg DM (kg DM/Ha)
- To view our grass measurement report log onto and click Newford Farm on the drop down menu
Please Note
Newford Farm welcomes all farmers and KT Discussion groups to the farm.
Key recommendations for this week
- Check calves for pneumonia and coccidiosis.
- Watch out for any mastitis in the dry cows.
- Prepare housing for the remaining weanlings outside.
- Clip tail and back of all animals housed.
- Identify more animals for the factory.
- Prepare sheds for the in-calf heifers to return back to Newford from the contract rearing farm.