General Details
- The last 16 finishing beef animals are on 8 Kg’s of meal & being fed twice a day. The aim is to have them slaughter at the end of January
- 13 beef animals were slaughter on the 12th January. 7 Steers averaged 335kg carcass weight this included 6 “R” grades and 1 “U” Steer animal. 6 Heifers averaged 299kg carcass with 6 R’s & 1 “O” grade heifer (Dairy x animal).
- 89 weanling on 1.5 kg’s of meals.
- Weanlings are being moved from straw bedding to slats as space becomes available. Only one group of weanling’s on straw bedding now.
- The contract rearing replacement heifers were weighted on the 17th January. The average weight was 261 Kgs (ADG from Birth is 0.71 Kgs). The average gain from the last weighing was 30 Kgs ( 0.65 Kgs over 46 days )
- All the Suckler cows and in-calf heifers received their second booster of IBR vaccination and Rotavec Corona for scour.
- Cows have been penned according to their condition scoring and are getting 100 grams each of pre-calving mineral.
- All the Suckler cows have been regrouped according to their calving dates.
- One pen of lower condition score cows are getting some meal to keep them in good order before calving
- The Average Body Condition Score for the Newford Herd is 3.05
- Second Calvers Body Condition Score is 2.39
- Third Calvers Body Condition Score is 2.91
- Fourth Calvers Body Condition Score is 3.29
- Replacement In-Calf Heifers Body Condition Score is 3.02
Suckler Herd
- Monitor cow body condition weekly
Key recommendations for this week
- Keep a close eye on any cow getting near to calving
- Get all calving facilities ready and clean out
- Check all calving equipment’s and purchase in any materials required for calving (Plastic Gloves, Gel, disinfecting etc.
- Monitor slurry levels in tanks
- Monitor condition of the in-calf heifers
- Monitor the weanlings for any health issues