General Detail
- Calving activity is in progress at the moment on Newford farm.
- 7 cows calved with 8 calves ( 1 set of Twins)
- All cows and calves are very healthy
- No calving difficulty to report on the farm at the moment.
- First of the cows and their calves have been turn out to grass into a paddock beside the yard , if weather conditions change in the mean time they can be rehoused.
- An Agricultural student (Mountbellew College) has started her 3 month’s work replacement on the farm.

- Disinfecting footbaths are in place at all the entrances of the calving area and also with the calved cows and calves entrances sheds. This practice was carried out last year and proved to be very successful to keep infections levels under control.
- All cows and in-calf heifers are getting 100g of pre-calving minerals on top of the silage each morning.
- Lime is been spread on the slats each morning with the pre calving cows to prevent any bacterial infections to build up.
- The yearling heifers were turned out to grass last Monday, but due to the change in weather conditions, it was decided to rehouse them again.
- This week’s grass cover was taken on the 4th February

- Newford Farm is now closed to groups / visitors until the calving period is finished.
Key recommendations for this week
- Monitor all cows constantly as they are getting nearer to anticipated calving date.
- Initial enquiries on teaser bulls for the breeding season in 11 weeks’ time.
- Prepared for disbudding calves as they come of age.
- Order in vaccination for Clostridia, IBR and the prevention of coccidiosis
- Watch out for any health issues with the cows.
- Check new born calves health each morning and evening.
- Treated calves naval a number of times
- Keep all footbaths full with disinfection
- Check all water troughs are clean in the pens
- Monitor condition of the in-calf heifers.