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Herd Update 10.07.17

General Detail

  • All the Newford cows have received their IBR vaccination ( Rispoval inactivated).
  • The first time Calvers have been group together with their calves and move to Gortnahabhainn to allow the grass wedge to build up on the home farm.
    • These animals were also worm dosed and received their IBR vaccination.
  • All the calves have been injected with Dectomax for Stomach/Lungworm.
  • All the Heifers on the contract rearing farm both the in-calf heifers and the young calves were injected for worms with Turbomec.
  • All Newford cows were weighed and condition scored on Monday the 10th. The average cow weight for the herd is 624 Kgs with an average Body Condition Score of 2.74.
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  • The Beef steers and heifers are 120 days at grass and the steers are doing 0.92 kg per day since turnout and the heifers are doing 0.98 Kg per day since turnout out ( 14th March )
  • The 2 teaser bulls are on 6 kg of meals and will be sold off when fit
  • 3 hectares of paddocks will be taken out this weekend for round bales

Breeding Details

  • The two stock bulls (SI & LM) were taken out from the Newford Herd on Monday the 3rd of July, hence this ended the breeding season.   
  • Scanning of the herd will take place at the end of July

Grassland Details

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  • Target pre grazing paddocks at 1450 Kg DM (kg DM/Ha)
  • To view our grass measurement report log onto and click Newford Farm on the drop down menu.

Key recommendations for this week

  1. Check calves for signs of pneumonia
  2. Put out Mg buckets out with the cows