General Detail
- Weanling bull calves were castrated on Thursday by the vet – these will be monitored for any swelling
- Heavy rainfall from Wednesday meant second cut silage was postponed – this will be cut as soon as ground conditions improve.
- The cows will be scanned next week
- Weanling bulls and heifers are performing well with an average daily gain of >1.2kg/day
February born Fiston calf
- The steers and heifers are gaining 0.92 kg and 0.98kg/day since turnout out on the 14th March
- The 2 Friesian teaser bulls are receiving 6kg of concentrate and will be slaughtered when fit
- 10 acres of paddocks were taken out as round bales on Monday
- 10 acres of second cut silage was baled on Tuesday on Tuohy’s out-farm
Breeding Details
- The two stock bulls (SI & LM) were taken out from the Newford Herd on Monday the 3rd of July, hence this ended the breeding season.
Grassland Details
- Target pre grazing paddocks at 1450 Kg DM (kg DM/Ha)
- To view our grass measurement report log onto and click Newford Farm on the drop down menu.
Key recommendations for this week
- Scan cows and heifers