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herd UPDATE 28.11.2022

General Details

All of the 2021-born beef heifers (40) have now been sold off Newford Farm at an average age of just under 18 months, or 544 days of age. All of these heifers (except 8 heifers), were drafted off grass with no concentrate supplementation provided since turnout on the 20th January.

o The average grade for the 40 heifers slaughtered was R - 3 = 

o Their average liveweight going upthe ramp of the lorry was 564 kg 

o Their average date of birth was the 20th of February 2021 and their average kill date was the 18th of August 2022 (544 days old on average)

o Their average carcase weight was 296kg and their average kill-out percentage was 52 % 

o The average sale price per kg received was €5.06 /kg 

o The average sale value was €1,507 per head 

o Only two heifer’s out of the 40 sold did not receive the quality payment system in-spec bonus as they graded ( R = 2 = ) ( U + 2=)

o The total amount of concentrates the 40 heifers received over their life time was roughly 306 Kg per heifer costing roughly €111

o The last 4 heifers were drafted on the 11th of November

o They grade on average R + 3 –

o Their liveweight going up the ramp of the lorry was 632 Kgs

o They had an average carcass weight of 351 Kg , with a 56% killout

o These heifers were introduce to concentrates at grass on the 1st of September and were getting 3 Kgs per day during the month of September and early October

o They were housed on average the 14thof October and were receiving up to 6 kg per day before slaughter with a highenergy, 12% crude protein ration costing €410/t , with 72% DMD silage

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Slaughter performance of bullocks

· To-date 19 beef bullocks have being drafted off the farm with 16 of them meeting the QPS spec, and the other 3 bullocks had inadequate fat cover.

Ø The average grade for the 19 bullocks was R = 3 - 

Ø The average liveweight going up the ramp of the lorry was 624 kg 

Ø Their average carcase weight was 340 kg and their kill-out percentage was 54 % 

Ø There was two “O +” grades, two  “R -” grades , nine “R =” grades, five “R +” and one “ U -“ grading animals

Ø The average sale price per kilo of carcase weight was €4.88 per Kg 

Ø The average sale price per head was € 1,657 

Ø The 19 bullocks were on average 19 months of age at slaughter ( 596 days)

Ø The finishing diet was ad lib silage and 6 kg concentrates

· There is 24 bullocks left to be drafted on the farm. These are currently receiving 6 kg of a high energy, 12% protein ration along with ad lib 72 DMD silage.

Ø The next draft will be in early December


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These bullocks will be drafted in December

Weanlings at grass after weanling 

· The Newford weanlings are two months weaned now and there has being no set back to report.

o Given the heavy rainfall and fluctuation in temperatures weanlings are being monitored
closely for signs of pneumonia.

· They are receiving 1 kg of ration (18% Protein) per day at grass.

· Feed troughs are positioned in a shed / on the roadway and the weanlings walk up each
morning to the shed or roadway. This is helping to prevent poaching around feed
troughs and is also a good way to monitor weanlings for any health issues.

· There is 59 male weanlings and 26 female weanlings this year.

o The male weanlings have been split in to two groups for ease of management and to
facilitate better grass utilisation in the paddocks which has become
challenging due to recent heavy rainfall.

o The male weanlings are still at grass and will be housed in the coming days.

o The male weanlings were weighed on the 20th of October and the heifers were weighed onthe 7th of November. The summary of weight performance is detailed below;

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A number of the male weanlings enjoying the last days of grass and sunshine before housing


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Newford female weanling heifers  

· There is 26 yearling heifers at grass receiving 1 kg concentrate supplementation daily.

· The farm is aiming to sell these heifers at 17 -18 months of age similar to the 2021 crop of calves.

o The aim is to retain these heifers at grass until early to mid-December

o The heifers have achieved anaverage daily gain of 0.76 kg per day since weaning (12th Sept– 07th November)


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Newford Farm TB  

· Newford Farm passed its’ latest TB herd test and the farm’s second testwill take place on the 5th of December.

· The Department of Agricultural badger app has been download onto the farm’sphone to report any badger activities within the farm.


Biodiversity on Newford Farm  

· Newford Farm is working to enhance the level of biodiversity on the farm. The farm has been selected as a demonstration farm as part of the Teagasc Signpost Programme. This will see a suite of measures introduced over the lifetime of the programme that will serve to reduce the volume of gaseous emissions the farm produces, protect water quality, enhance biodiversity and ultimately reduce cost and create more profitable and sustainable farming. A number of these initiatives have already

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· Most of the paddocks have been closed off to make preparation for thegrowing season and early turnout of stock in 2023.

o Paddocks which were oversown with clover in 2022 are well established now and clover will continue to
thicken up in paddocks to increase the sward content. This will contribute to improved
animal performance on the farm and more importantly allow the farm to reduce
the level of chemical fertiliser applied in 2023

o The above picture was takenshortly after a paddock was closed (early November). It shows good clover establishment.

o As part of the NewfordSignpost Programme (Future beef), a small white thorn hedge was planted in
early April 2022. Newford farm will be planting more hedgerow throughout the farm in the coming weeks


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7 months later..

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o These hedgerows when fully grown will be an extra source of shelter for the Newford animals and for wildlife. They will also provide an additional food source for the small insects and
bumblebees during the summer months


Rainfall summary  

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Visiting Group  

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Gurteen Agrictural College Level 6 advance drystock students and lectures visiting Newford farm, with Stephen Frend (Newford farm manager) and Donal Fahy Teagasc / Newford updating the students with all the key performance and actitives on the farm.

Newford Farm welcomes all discussion groups and colleges on to the farm - please
contact Donall Fahy on (087) 338 9634