General Details
- 61 % of the Newford Suckler Herd has now calved within 3 ½ weeks - first calf born was on 2nd February. No major problems to report so far.
- 65 cows have calved with 68 live calves (Four sets of twins and one mortality).
- The average weight of the calves born is 42kgs
- The average Calving Score is 1.94
- Cows and heifers are being drafted to the holding area as required before calving
- The converted sheep handling unit is now housing 20 cows and calves
- Lime is being applied to the slats to reduce infection levels for cows that are waiting to calve.
- Training was completed on the new grasshopper GPS system (TrueNorth Grasshopper) and this will be used for measuring grass this year.
- 16% (8.9ha) of the land had been grazed before the yearlings returned to slatted shed
- Ground conditions have not improved due to very wet weather recently
Grassland Details
- Farm Cover 964kg/DM/ha
- Growth /Ha 6kg/DM/ha
- Estimated DM @ 16 %
Suckler Herd
- One cow has received a Metric cure for holding on to her afterbirth
- Cows and older calves will go to grass as soon as weather improves.
Key recommendations for this week
- Disbud calves and give intranasal IBR vaccination (2 weeks+)
- Monitor cows and heifers close to calving
- Check all paddocks and fences and carried out repairs where needed.
- Weighed the yearling males and heifers and the replacement heifers on the contract rearing farm.
- Keep all calving pens and area disinfected as calving continues
- Carried out a strict inspection each morning on every calf in the yard for health