General Detail
- Heavy rainfalls of rain and cold nights has led to some paddocks not been fully utilised. (24mm of rain fell on Monday night 26th)
- Facial sample for parasite analysis were taken off all the beef animals and action will take place depending on results.
- Decision taken to take out 13 acres of paddocks on Monday the 19th and bale on Tuesday the 20th during ideal weather conditions.
- Spread one bag of CAN per acre on every paddock which was grazed or cut for silage within the last 10 days
- Weighing of all the steers, heifers and calves was carried out last week (22nd June) and summary is as follow

- Selection of the Newford Herd calves
Breeding Details
- The two stock bulls (SI & LM) which were turned out to the Newford herd on Saturday 3rd June for 4 weeks to mop up, will be taken away from the cows at the weekend and this will end the breeding season
- Scanning of the herd will take place at the end of July
Grassland Details

- Target pre grazing paddocks at 1450 Kg DM (Kg DM/Ha)
To view our grass measurement report log onto and click Newford Farm on the drop down menu.
Key recommendations for this week
- Check calves for signs of pneumonia
- Keep silage pit covers tight
- All the cows are to receive their booster IBR vaccination.