General Detail
- All the suckler cows are now housed on the Newford and were body condition scored last week. After scoring all cows were selected and pen according to their score.
- 24 cows with a low body condition are receiving 2 Kgs of Soya Hulls per day, including the cow carrying twins. This will help those cows to build up reserved body conditions prior to calving next spring
- This level of feeding will be monitored on a weekly basic.
- The average weighted of all the cows is 640 Kgs and the herds average body scored was 2.75
- Body condition scoring of the cows at this time of the year was proven to be very successful and critical point in farm management over the last 5 years and has been a key point in good herd husbandry with easy of calving in the spring
- All cows will received 100g of pre-calving minerals per day on the top of the silage in the coming days.
- All cows will be treated for fluke and lice in the coming days along with their tails and back been clip.
- The 11 in-calf heifers from the contract rearing farm have settled well back into Newford farm and will be also treated for fluke and lice.
- All the 2018 born Beef Heifers (52) have been sold to the factory
- The grading of the heifers , is as followed
- 6 ( U ) grade heifers
- 45 ( R ) grades
- 1 ( O ) grade
- The grading of the heifers , is as followed
- All the heifers were sold on average at 20 months of age
- The average grade was R = 3 =
- Average live weight was 569 Kgs
- Average Carcase weight was 299 Kgs
- Average kill out % 53 %
- Average price paid per heifer was €1,117
- The following table shows the heifers sales comparison for the last 5 years
- To-date there is 15 bullocks sold to the factory.
- The average live weight of the 15 steers was 667 Kgs
- They kill out at 53% , with a carcase weighted of 352 Kgs ( R= 3 =)
- At 21 months of age
- Their sale value was € 1,295
- There is 36 more steers left to be kill in the coming weeks. They are on 6 Kgs of ration
- All the weanlings are been treated for fluke and worms at the moment , their back and tails are also been clip
- The average housing date for the weanlings was the 9th November.
- All the weanlings are on 2 Kgs of concentrates at 18% protein, along with 74 % DMD round bales of silage.
- The below table shows the weaning performance ADG from birth to housing ( 9th Nov)
- The below shows the weaning percentage of the weanling weight “Verse’s” the mother’s weight. The average weaning date was the 17th September
- The males ADG from Birth to Weaning was 1.26 Kg/ day and the heifers ADG from Birth to Weaning was 1.21 Kg / day
Key recommendations for this week
- Watch the housed weanlings closely for pneumonia and keep fresh silage under their heads
- Checked and clean out all water troughts when necessary
- Selected any bullocks coming near fit for drafting
- Monitor all cows health closed on the slats and keep fresh silage under the cow’s heads.
- Feed cows according to their pen body condition score