General Detail
- All of the 2017 Newford Farm progeny born steers (61) have now been slaughter at 21 months of age. Summary is as follows:
- Number of Animals: 61
- Av Kill Date: 06/12/18
- Age: 21 Months
- Av Weight Kg: 685
- Av Confirmation: R=
- Av Fat: 3+
- Av Carcase Kg: 367
- Av Kill Out %: 0.54
- Av Base Price: 3.75
- Euro/Kg: 3.90
- Av Value: €1,434
- This year’s slaughter performance steers have yielded a heavy carcase of 367 Kgs and a better Kill out percentage of 54% as compared to last year steers who had a carcase weight of 341 Kg and a 52 % kill out.
- This is due to the maturity of the suckler cow herd, better farm management efficiency including the detailed selection of AI sires and the level of concentrates fed to the steers.
- The slaughter performance grades, of all the in-spec steers (61), which were kill for 2018 is as followed for Newford Farm.
- 8 ( U’s)
- 50 ( R’s)
- 3 (O’s)
- These steers were on 10 kg of meal pre-slaughter
- 7 culls cows were also slaughter this week.
- Average weight : 678 Kgs
- Grade : O= 4 =
- KO : 52 %
- Average price : € 1,008
- Base Price : €3.03
- Euro / Kg : €3.06
- All the weanlings are on 2 Kg of meal and silage. All weanling have settled in well after housing with no health issues to report.
- All the weanling have been clipped and treated for lice and fluke in the past week. The following is the weanlings December weighting.
- All the suckler cows have been body score and pen accordingly to their score. All cows were clipped and treated for lice and fluke.
- All cows are getting 100g of pre-calving minerals on top of the silage each morning
- 36 cows with a low body condition are receiving 3 kg of soya hull per day, including cows carrying twins.
- This level of feeding will be monitored on a weekly base’s
- The 20 in-calf heifers from the contract rearing farm have settle well back into the Newford farm, these heifers have also been treated for lice and fluke.
- These “DPS” heifers will be 2 year olds next February, when they are calving down and at the moment they are estimated at 550Kg live weight.
- Newford Farm would like to wish all the farming community and everybody who has support the Newford Farm over the last year “ A Very Happy Christmas and a Safe New Year “
- Thank You
Key recommendations for this week
- Monitored all cows and heifers on the slats
- Monitored weanlings for pneumonia
- Order the Rotavec Corona for next month