General Detail
- Started meal feeding 28th July to the Beef Heifers (42) and they are getting 5 Kgs of meal at grass. This will be moving up to 5 Kgs. With the aim to sell the first of these heifers in early September

- The average weight of the Beef Heifers is 509 Kgs and they are doing ADG of 0.95 Kg since turnout (14th March)
- Meal feeding commenced on the 9th August for 20 bullocks and they are getting 5 kg of meals at grass .Their average weight is 563 Kgs and their ADG since turnout is 1 Kg per day. Grass demand has slowed up since the introduction of meals

- Newford Bull calves were weighted on the 9th of August. They were 263 Kgs with an ADG from Birth 1.32 Kgs / day. Note : These calves were castrated on the 27th July

- Newford Heifer calves were 239 Kgs with an ADG from Birth of 1.25 Kgs/day

Breeding Details

Grassland Details

- Target pre grazing paddocks at 1450 Kg DM (kg DM/Ha).
- To view our grass measurement report log onto and click Newford Farm on the drop down menu.
Key recommendations for this week
- Keep silage pit tighten
- Watch calves for pneumonia
- Spread fertiliser ( Can ) after silage cut
- Get heifers weighted on the contract rearing farm
Please Note
Newford Farm welcomes all Farmers and KT Discussion groups to the farm