General Details
- 31% of the Newford herd has calved in the first 14 days of calving - first calf born on 2nd February
- 33 cows have calved with 35 live calves (three sets of twins and one mortality)
- Cows and heifers are being drafted to the holding area as required before calving
- 89 yearling have been turn out to grass on Monday the 13th of February and they also received their Clostridial vaccination (Tribovax 10)
- The average weight of the yearling steers is 398kgs. These steers averaged 0.69kgs over the winter period (ADG from birth is 1.08kgs)
- The average weight of the yearling heifers is 375kgs. These heifers averaged 0.61kgs over the winter period. (ADG from birth is 1.02kgs)
- 23 units/acre of Urea is currently being spread on land that did not receive slurry (110acres)
- The second cut silage pit was opened this week
- The lame cow from last week has improved and has since calved
- Work on converting the old sheep handling unit is still continuing with the electrician to carried out his work
- Lime is been spread on the slats to keep infection levels low for cows that are waiting to calve down
- Yearling males turn out on Monday 13th Feb to a paddock grass cover of 1112kg DM/Ha
(8.2 cm)
Grassland Details
- Farm Cover 1029kg DM/ha
- Growth /Ha 14Kg DM/ha
- Estimated DM @ 18%
Suckler Herd
- Group and move cows that have calved down to the large loose shed’s
Key recommendations for this week
- Disbud calves and give intranasal IBR vaccination (2 weeks +)
- Identify cows and calves to turn out to grass (depending on weather) – treat calves for clostridial diseases
- Monitor cows and heifers close to calving
- Check all paddocks and fences and carried out repairs where needed.
- Check all water troughs and wash them out before animals enter the paddock
- Finish power washing and disinfecting the last of the loose sheds
- Keep all calving pens and area disinfected as calving continues
- Carried out a strict inspection each morning on every calf in the yard for health