General Detail
- Grazing conditions are still excellent on the farm. Paddocks are being well grazed out.
- 2,500 gals/ area of slurry has been spread on the paddocks where first cut silage came off ( Raheen & Gortnahabhainn ) , and 1.5 bags/ac of Urea will also be spread in a week’s time for second cut silage.
- 1.5 bags/ac of Urea has been spread on Touhy’s farm where round bales were cut last week – this will also be cut secondly.
- First cut silage yield (54ac) was estimated @ 10ton/acre at 25% DM )
- Two calves were treated for pneumonia at the weekend and responded well to treatment
- Magnesium buckets were put out again in the paddocks with cows due to the colder evenings/nights
- The two teaser bulls have been taken away from the Newford Herd and are getting 3 Kgs of meal with a view to slaughtering them when fit.
Anne O’ Malley Ballina with the Mayo Discussion group visiting Newford Farm 8th June.
Breeding Details
- The two stock bulls (SI & LM) were turned out to the Newford herd on Saturday 3rd June for 4 weeks to mop up. One bull with each group of cows.
Grassland Details
- Target pre grazing paddocks at 1450 Kg DM (kg DM/Ha)
To view our grass measurement report log onto and click Newford Farm on the drop down menu.
Key recommendations for this week
- Check calves for signs of pneumonia
- Weigh all the steers and heifers
- Keep silage pit covers tight
- Keep Mg buckets out with cows topped up
- Power wash sheds