Matthew Murphy, Newford Farm, Athenry, Co. Galway
"Growth has eased back a little in the west this week with a growth of 53kg/DM/Ha/day being recorded here in Newford. This is a little below our demand figure of 65kg/ha/day but hopefully with temperatures coming back to normal at the weekend growth will increase. We currently have 11 days ahead and our farm cover is at 702kg/DM/Ha. We are stocked at 4.91 L.U/Ha on the grazing ground or 3260 kg/LW/Ha. We took out 6 strong paddocks last week and this has left things a little tight. Our first breeding scan went well with 61 cows out of a possible 79 in calf to calve in the first 4 weeks of the 2017 calving season. Heifers also scanned well with 19/25 in calf for the first 4 weeks. We are due to scan again at the end of the month. In light of extra heifers coming in and the good scanning rate we choose to finish breeding 1 week early and bulls came out on Monday 11th July. Bull calves were weighed on 29th June and weighed 175 kg with an average DOB of 20/3/16 are currently gaining 1.29 kg/day while heifer calves weighed 163kg with an average DOB of 16/03/2016 and are gaining 1.18kg/day. We will castrate our male calves at the end of this month".
General Details
- Grass growth still very good with more surpluses to be taken out when weather allows
- Store bullocks average weight 494 Kgs ( 0.83 Kgs from turnout )
- Store Heifers average weight 451 Kgs ( 0.76 Kgs from turnout )
- NewFord Bull Calves weight 175 Kgs ( 1.29 Kgs from Birth)
- Newford Heifer Calves weight 163 Kgs ( 1.18 Kgs from Birth )
- Contracted In-calf Replacement heifers average weight 448 Kgs (0.96kgs from turnout)
- Contracted Replacement Heifer calves average weight 140 Kgs (0.76kg gain since birth)
- Newford Suckler Herd average weight 585 Kgs ( 2nd June )
- Newford Suckler Herd average B.C.S 2.89 (2nd June).
- Faecal sample for parasite analysis were negative for all store animals
- The remainder replacement calves have now arrived on the contracted rearing farm
- The two stock bulls have been swapped around between the two Main Herd of cows
Grassland Details
- Average farm cover 905 kg DM/day on the 28th June
- Average growth rate 68 kg/DM/Ha over past 7 days
- Average Demand 77 kg/DM/Ha
- Currently 12 days ahead
- Current stocking rate: 5.93 L.U/Ha
- 10cm soil temperatures in Athenry this week at 16 degrees
- All silage fields have received slurry and fertiliser
- Paddock 12A,14B,15,18B,21A,21B,22A and 31 to be baled on Tuesday
Breeding details
- Teaser bulls were taken away from the Main Herd on the 10th June
- Breeding Stock bulls were introduced to the Main Herd on the 10th June
- 61 cows out of 88 were scan in-calf on the 15th June
- 27 cows in-calf to ZGM
- 25 cows in-calf to FSZ
- 9 cows in-calf to CKH
- 19 Replacement Heifers out of 25 were scan in-calf on the contract rearing farm in Tuam
Key recommendations for this week
- The Stock bulls are to be removed from the Main Herd on the 11th July
- All the cows are to receive their booster IBR injection
- All the bull and heifer calves are to be separated into their own group
- Paddock 30 to be sprayed with post emergence spray as soon weather allows