General Details
- 98 cows with 101 calves have been born (Four sets of twins and one mortality)
- The calf with meningitis is making good progress
- 92% of the Newford herd has now calved in the first 9 weeks - first calf born was on 2nd February. No major problems to report so far.
- All the replacement heifers (24mths age) have now calved
- 97 cows and 100 calves are out at grass
- The average weight of the calves born is 43kg
- The average calving score is 1.49 and 91% have a calving score between one and two.
- 89 yearlings are grazing silage ground since 14th March and this will be closed next week
- Calves are receiving their vaccination for Clostrdial disease at 6 weeks – Tribovax T as required.
- The replacement heifers are to received their Leptavoid – H injection on Thursday 6th
- 26 replacement calves (16 Hereford, 10 Angus) have been purchased and are being reared on a contract rearing farm until weaning.
- 46 units /acre (bag urea) was spread on 11ha of the home farm this week and Touhy’s farm (13ha) will get the same.
Grassland Details
- Farm Cover : 1073 kg/DM/ha
- Growth /Ha : 48 kg/DM/ha
- Farm Demand / Ha ( kg DM/ha/day ) 29 Kg
- Estimated DM : @ 17 %
- Current stocking rate LU / Ha 2.67
- Starting the second rotation on the home farm on Wednesday 5th April. 100% of the home farm has been grazed off during first rotation.
- First of the silage fields have now been closed 4.93ha
Suckler Herd
- Magnesium buckets are in the paddocks with the cows to prevent grass tetany
- A number of cows are beginning to come into heat
- Cows and calves are in 4 main groups for the moment
Key recommendations for this week
- Calves will continue to be disbudded at 2 weeks and receive their intranasal IBR vaccination.
- Carry out repairs to fencing on the new rented farm.
- Follow up on getting in 2 teaser bulls for the suckler herd
- Review sires for the coming breeding season
- Record the tag number of cows coming in heat out in the fields.