General Detail
- Newford Suckler herd was scanned on Thursday the 2nd of August and out of the 100 cows which were bred at the start of the breeding season:
- 91 scanned in-calf
- 60 cows held to 1st service
- 20 cows held to 2nd service
- 11 cows held to 3rd service
- Including 4 sets of twins
- 10 weeks breeding
- The Replacement Heifers on the contract rearing farm were also scanned.
- 20 heifers out of 25 scanned in-calf.
- These heifers were AI over a 6 weeks period.
- The suckler calves were weighted on the 1st of August. Summary as follows

- All the male calves were castrated on the 1st of August by the vet.
- Calves are been creep fed at the moment
- The 61 beef bullocks are getting 5 kg of meal at grass.
- Grass growth in the last week has been very good, hence in the coming days Newford will be taking out paddocks for round bales of silage.
Newford Farm Open Day

- Newford farm will hold its second Open Day since the programme begun on the 5th September
- The event is KT approval
- Topics will included
- Breeding / Genetics / A.I. / Weaning
- Farm Plan / Profit Monitor
- Grassland Management / Autumn Management
- Animal Health & Finishing
Grassland Management Details

- Grass cover taken last Tuesday the 7th August.

Key recommendations for this week
- Monitor grass conditions daily
- Put mineral buckets back into paddocks to prevent grass tetany as a precaution due to the increase of lush grass after the latest rainfall.
- Prepare for Open day