Newford Farm Open Day - 23 May 2023

Teagasc and Dawn Meats in collaboration with the Irish Farmers Journal and McDonalds are delighted to welcome all farmers and stakeholders in the beef sector to the Newford Suckler Demonstration Farm Open Day on Tuesday, 23rd May in Athenry, Co. Galway from 2pm-6pm.

Herd Performance -
- 89 cows to calve
- Calving commenced 27th January
- Last cow calved 5th April
- 6 week calving rate - 90%
- 73% of cows calved unassisted and average calf birth weight was 43 Kgs.
Calves have -
- Received RSV–Pi3 intranasal vaccine ✔
- Dehorned ✔
- Initial clostridia vaccine and calves are coming of age for second clostridia vaccine ✔
- Received coccidia drench at 30 days old ✔
Grassland Management

- All animals are back grazing since 10th April and the dry weather has resulted in excellent graze outs.

Silage ground has been grazed and received 3,000 gallons of cattle slurry per acre and will
receive 50 units of protected urea per acre by 27th April.
86 yearling beef heifers and steers are grazing out farm 2, located 12km from Newford Farm yard
and paddocks will be over sown with Buddy white clover over the next fortnight.

Farm Cover

2023 Breeding

- 3 vaectomised bulls arrived on farm 1st week of April and were quarantined for health screening for 3 weeks before joining cows and heifers, last Friday - 21st April
- Pre breeding heat detection began 3rd April - to identify any cows not cycling regularly which allows for early intervention
- Artificial insemination began 24th April and will continue until 4th July (10 weeks)
- Bull selection criteria isoutlined in Table 2 with the following sires being selected: Ewendale Ivor (for
heifers), Gstaad, Garnedd Nelson, Whitecliffe Orwell, Gaggin Power, Lapon,
Birchpark Rufus, Grangewood Royal Oak.
Sire Selection Criteria

Newford Welcomes students from Agri Camus De Level - France