General Detail
- Newford Farm has 100 cows for breeding this year.
- To date:
- 90 % of the herd was AI within 3 weeks of the breeding season commencing (23rd April).
- All 100 cows have now been inseminated.
- Newford Farm is on week 8th of the breeding season (2 weeks of breeding left)
- 15 cows have repeated twice to date, Thursday the 21st June
- 6 cows are on their 3rd repeat
- Once a day AI used, cows are being inseminated at midday each day.
- The store bullocks and heifers were weighted on the 19th June.
- The steers turnout date to grass was the 19th of April.
- The heifer’s turnout date to grass was the 24th of April.
- These late turnout dates was due to the very poor wet and cold spring. Which has meant both the steers and heifers are on catch up as they were 5 weeks later going to grass this year as compared to last year stores, going to grass on the 14th of March 2017. Summary as follows:

Grassland Details
- Grass cover taken last Monday the 18th June.
- Utilisation of grass has been excellent in recent days.
- Grass growth is beginning to slow up , due to the dry weather and poor grass growth
- Newford Farm started its 4th rotation at the start of this week
- First cut silage (40 acres) was pitted on the 12th June and those fields have now received 2,500 gals of cattle slurry per acre.
- I bag of 18-6-12 per acre is been spread after grazing.

Key Recommendations for this Week
- Monitor all cows regularly for heat detection
- Tighten plastic on silage pit
- Keep the teaser bull’s chin ball harness topped up with paint
- Watch calves closely for pneumonia / sun stroke