General Details
- The Breeding season started on the 22nd of April.
- 105 cows and 109 calves at grass. Mineral buckets are with the cows in the paddocks to prevent Grass Tetany
- 100 % AI is been carried out on the Newford Farm.
- 102 cows for breeding this year
- 97 cows have been inseminated to date since the breeding started ( 25 days ago )
- The first 3 weeks cycle period for repeats started on the 13th of May and all cows are been monitored closely at the moment.
- 5 cows have not come cycling yet since the breeding season started and were scanned by the vet
- Two cows are not long enough calved yet , but were checked out and are ok
- One cow was treated with estrumate and will come bulling in 4 days’ time
- One cow was treated with a cidr and will receive a 2ml estrumate next Thursday. The cidr will be taken out next Friday the 24th and the cow should cycle between 48 – 72 hours
- One cow will not cycle according to the vet and will be culled at weaning time
- Two teaser bulls are running with the cows. One with each group
- Each teaser bull is fitted with a chin ball harness for marking the cows and the teaser bulls are playing a very active role in seeking cows out who are in heat.

- Breeding season will last for 10 weeks and finishing on the 1st July
- Once a day AI used, cows are been inseminated at midday each day.
- If a cow is AI at 12 o’clock and if she is still showing signs of been in heat again that evening , that same cow will be AI again the next day ( 12 o’clock am)
- Each cows tail is also been clip at inseminated time
- The herd test will take place next Monday the 20th on the Newford Farm
The store bullocks and store heifers were weighted last week. The bullocks were 48 days at grass since turnout and the heifers were 73 days at grass at weighing time. The heifers were grazing some rough ground for the first 6 weeks at turnout, which may have affected their weight gain since turnout but this is expected to change at the next weighting. Summary as follows:

- The group of store heifers average weight 405 Kgs
- Grass measurement taken on the 14th of May

- Newford started its 3rd rotation on the home farm.
- 1 Bag of CAN +S (25 units / ac) is been spread after each grazing at the moment.
- Weather conditions and utilisation of grass in paddock is excellent
- 220 surplus round bales of silage has been taken off paddocks between Newford and GortnaHabhainn ( 6 bales /ac)
- First cut round bales (10 acres) of silage will be cut on Tuohy’s farm in the coming days. A grass sample has been taken to test for sugar and nitrogen levels and based on these results will determinate cutting date
Key recommendations for this week
- Monitor all cows regularly for heat detection
- Watch out for any health issues with the cows , especially Grass Tetany
- Keep teaser bull’s ball harness topped up with paint
- Monitor grass growth closely
- Keep mineral buckets out in paddocks with the cows
- Power wash and clean out sheds