General detail
- The breeding season has finished on Newford Farm for 2020
- Breeding started on the 27th of April
- All cows were AI’d for 10 weeks and AI’d finished on the 6th July
- 93 cows was selected for breeding at the start of the season and all 93 cows cycle and were AI’d
- 94 % of the herd were inseminated in the first three weeks of breeding.
- 100 % of the herd were inseminated by the 9th of June
- The 2 teaser bulls will be housed together where they will receive concentrates in the coming before been finished off farm.
- 73 cows scanned on Monday, these cows where 40 days+ since insemination 72 where scanned in calf the remaining cows will be scanned in early August.
- All the suckler cows and calves were weighted on the 1st July for the BEEP scheme
- All the cows were weighted and body condition score during the week.
- The average weight for the suckler herd was 584 Kg
- The average body score for the herd was 2.70
- Summary as follows:

- Newford Farm had a clear TB herd test last week.
- All the cows have been treated for their annual in-active IBR vaccination
- All the calves were weighted on the 1st of July and were treated for worms
- Due to favourable weather conditions , all calves have been thriving well and underpinning high levels of grass utilisation
- The bull calves will be castrated this week by the Vet
Summary of weights as follows:

- All the Beef animals (Bullocks + Heifers) have been treated for worms.
- The 46 bullocks were weighted on the 2nd of July
- The top 12 bullocks average weighted was 600 Kgs. They range from 692 Kg to 560 Kg
- Summary of the 46 bullocks weight as follows:

Grass performance
- Soil temperature on Newford Farm on Monday the 6th of July was 15.1 ° degrees at 10cm soil depth.
- The soil moisture deficit around Newford (Athenry) at the moment is 2 mm.
- Grass growth has improved on the home farm (52 Kg DM/Ha) but in recent days paddocks have began to get sticky with heavy down pour of rainfalls.
- Grass on the home farm has started to get tight due to the high stocking rate which the home farm carry’s (4.5 LU / Ha).
- 45 cows scanned in calf and calves where moved to Cones farm which was mowed for silage on the 10th of June. This will reduce the demand in Newford.
- Cones farm was reseeded last year and this farm will benefit the calves ADG for the rest of the season.
- A portion of the home farm will be closed for second cut silage , when the cows and calves are move out
- A half bag of protected urea (38N + 7% S) per acre is being spread after each grazing at the moment.
Key recommendations for this week
- Monitor grass growth closely
- Prepare Cones farm for stock moving in
- Watch bull calves after castration
- Keep mineral buckets out in paddocks with the cows
- Check all bale silage for any holes and patch if necessary
- Tighten silage pit cover
- Draw up the 2020/2021 fodder budget